Thursday, January 14, 2010

Meet Rally's MC!

You're probably asking yourself... 'Who is this Casey Ross? And How did he get so good looking?' It's a more common question than you might think... While his good looks come from his mother, Casey says his waist line is courtesy of McDonald's dollar menu. Casey began his life in youth ministry Ellensburg, Washington when he got caught scamming free food from funeral receptions while he was in college. What started out as 'creative penance' turned into a calling. 12 years later Casey has worked in parishes and ministries in the Pacific Northwest and in the Archdiocese of Chicago and continues to inspire faith in young people. Believe it or not, Casey has used his good looks and charm to glorify God and inspire tens of thousands of young people in dioceses across the nation. Casey was invited to present at a concurrent session at the National Catholic Youth Conference at the Astro Dome in Houston. Currently Casey still occasionally scams free foot at funerals in Everett where he works as the director of youth ministry at Immaculate Conception & Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parishes. He is happily married to his smokin' hot wife, Lisa, and has two children, Lucy and Oliver.

Casey Ross has been working in youth ministry for over 12 years both in the Pacific Northwest and in the Archdiocese of Chicago. Working at parishes and with Cultivation Ministries in Illinois he has worked to inspire faith in the young Church , speaking to tens of thousands of young people in dozens of dioceses, parishes and schools across the nation as well as having presented at the National Catholic Youth Conference in Houston, TX in 2003. Casey is the director of youth ministry at Immaculate Conception & Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parishes in Everett where he lives with his wife Lisa, and two children, Lucy and Oliver.

Jr High Rally 2010: Dive Deep - Volunteer!

We are so excited to have you all at this year's Junior High Rally on March 6th, but what kind of a Rally would it be without our inspirational youth speakers, prayer teams and volunteers?

That's why we need you! You can be involved with our General Sessions through a variety of ways. Here are some options:

Prayer groups will meet, plan and rehearse as a Parish/Faith Community or region. These groups will work in cooperation with the Liturgy and General Session committees to develop and present the prayer segments during Rally. The young people involved play a critical role in setting the spiritual tone for the event. We will need at least two groups (maximum of 15 people per group).

The Liturgy group will meet, plan and rehearse as a Parish/Faith Community or region. This group will work in cooperation with the Liturgy Coordinator and take part in the liturgy at the Rally. We will need one group (maximum of 15 people).

The Drama team will provide a "dramatic presentation" that helps to develop the theme of Rally. We will need two groups (maximum of 15 people per group).

General Volunteers
During the Rally, we need several groups, as well as many individuals, to keep things running smoothly. These tasks range from furniture and equipment set-up and take down to registration center staffing.

Adult Eucharistic Ministers
During the closing Liturgy of Rally, we will need to have Eucharistic Ministers who are already active and trained in that capacity at their parishes and who are whilling to extend their ministry to this Archdiocesan setting.

Rally would be nothing without all of our wonderful volunteers! Please open your hearts to God's call for an active community and volunteer. Email if you are interested in any of these roles by February 12th!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jr High Rally 2010: Dive Deep!

On Saturday, March 6th we invite you to DIVE DEEP with Junior High Students from around the Seattle Archdiocese.

The day long event give the youth an opportunity to learn more about their Catholic faith and grow in community with thier Catholic peers and the Catholic Church! Students (Grade 6 through 9) are welcome to attend with their Parish or School groups. Registration information will be available very soon!

If you have any questions or would like to guarantee that your name is on our mailing list, please email